The first time the number seven is stated in the Quran is in the verse when God Almighty said: “Then He turned to the heaven, and made them into seven heavens. And of all things he hath perfect knowledge” (Quran Surah Al-Baqarah 2:29).
And the last time the number seven is stated in the Quran is in the verse: “And We have built above you seven strong (heavens)” (Quran Surah Al-Nabaa 78:12).
Now look at the following facts:
When we count the number of Suras from the Quran Surah 2, where the number 7 is stated for the first time, to the Quran Surah 78, where the number 7 is stated for the last time, we find that there are exactly 77 chapters, and this number is a multiple of seven.
When we count the number of verses from the verse (2:29), where 7 appears for the first time, to the verse (78:12), where 7 appears for the last time, we find that there are exactly 5649 verses, and this number is also a multiple of seven.
When we count the number of verses from the beginning of Quran Surah Al-Baqarah 2 (2:1), where 7 appears for the first time, to the end of Quran Surah An-Naba 78 (78:40), where 7 appears for the last time, we find that there are 5705 verses, and this number is also a multiple of seven!
The question now is: Is it a coincidence that the number of Suras is a multiple of seven, and the number of verses is also a multiple of seven, in verses that are talking about the number seven?! (Those are Miracle of Quran or Miracle of Islam)
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